Unmask The Agent Comp is Now Closed

tumblr_inline_ngvovj9JIC1qenr3hSorry! Too Late – see you next year 🙂

How do you place I hear you asking? Below is the list of agents participating in this year’s Nestpitch and next to them is a list of the Masks they will be wearing. Your job is to match the agent to the mask – that’s it!

All you need to do is go through the Agent post here: https://nestpitch.wordpress.com/2015/03/27/abracadabra-shim-shalala-sham-agent-reveal-now/ and the Bunny Mask post here:https://nestpitch.wordpress.com/2015/04/11/agent-mask-time-would-you-like-a-20-amazon-voucher/ (it also helps if you quickly go to the agent’s bio and/or blog for more clues) and match the agent.

The first person to correctly match all twelve agents to their masks wins! That’s it! (email timeline will be used to confirm who sent the correct entry in first)

And if there are no correct winners then those participating will go into a lucky draw and a winner will be selected at random.


The window will only be open for TWO HOURS – that’s it, so timing is everything.

The Window will open on Wednesday May 13th at 10.30pm Australian EST. That’s 7.30am New York US time and 12.30pm UK time. I chose these times to ensure everyone, no matter where you live, can play along.

You don’t need to have participated in #Nestpitch2015 or to even follow this blog, all you need to do is get to know our agents – and I have no doubt you ‘all know these agents anyway.

Please make sure you send your selection ONLY during the open window because there are no second chances, I will not be sending any ‘too soon’ or ‘too late’ emails – it’s up to you to play along during the window only.

ONE GUESS PER PERSON! (please don’t try to hedge by using more than one email address, you may get away with it but damn if you will not carry some nasty Karma with you)

getoveritHow to submit:

Send you email, with the correct subject line (see below), to nestpitch@outlook.com. Within the body of the email match all 12 agents to the masks you believe belong to them, for example:

  1. Agents Name = Mask
  2. Agents Name = Mask (and so on)

Please send your picks to nestpitch@outlook.com

In the subject line you MUST put UNMASK THE AGENT MY PICKS

If you fail to send your selection during the window or fail to put the above in the subject line, your email will be voided.

**Please note, there will be NO auto reply.

Please pass this on, re-blog if you’d like and tweet / re-tweet to pass the word along.

And now for the agents & masks (note they have all been alpha sorted & the below in no way suggests the correct match)

Camilla Wray Bend it like Beckham Bunny
Cate Hart Disco Bunny
Christa Heschke Energizer Bunny
Dawn Michelle Frederick Hippy Chic Bunny
Jessica Schmeidler Ms. Soccer Bunny
Jordy Albert Pancake Bunny
Maria Vicente Professor Bunny
Mollie Glick Rock Star Bunny
Patricia Nelson Ski Bunny
Saba Sulaiman Snow Bunny
Uwe Stender Warrior Bunny
Valerie Noble Wonder Woman Bunny

The winner will be announced on Tuesday May 19th 2015. 

tumblr_m949z4q9Ib1r1fva4And to celebrate the Nestpitch blog rolling over the 25,000 hits mark in less than 19 months I have decided to give one lucky random person who submitted to Nestpitch2015 an additional $20 Amazon Voucher – winner to be announced on May 31st 🙂


Nestpitch2015 – Agent Round Time!

snoopyeasterNestpitch2015 has been a lot of work and a lot of fun. It’s also been a wonderful opportunity to ‘meet’ a lot of talented people from across the globe.

The Teams have worked hard, both whittling down the submissions and then working with their authors.

And now is the Agent Round –WooHoo!

A special thank you to all the agents who have given or their time – without you guys there would be no #nestpitch.

Each Team has Mentored a group of talented authors for the past month or so and now it’s time to show off our simply smawesome submissions.

You’ll find each teams submissions on the links below.

Agents, let your tempting chocolate treats flow.

Authors, get ready for the best part of the Nestpitch cycle

And twitter/blog followers, feel free to show your support via facebook, twitter or leave a supportive message here for your favourite submissions.

Here we go!


easter-rabbit-eating-vegetables-beautiful-gif-photography-great-atmosphere-funny-pics-233-1And don’t forget to check out the Unmask the Agent comp. It starts in a few days & there’s a $20 Amazon gift voucher up for grabs!

Unmask The Agent Comp- $20 Amazon Voucher up for Grabs!

stig-unmasked-oYes it’s that time again… when anyone can play along for the annual #Nestpitch Unmask The Agent Comp!

So how does it work? Simple. Below is the list of agents participating in this year’s Nestpitch and next to them is a list of the Masks they will be wearing. Your job is to match the agent to the mask – that’s it!

All you need to do is go through the Agent post here: https://nestpitch.wordpress.com/2015/03/27/abracadabra-shim-shalala-sham-agent-reveal-now/ and the Bunny Mask post here: https://nestpitch.wordpress.com/2015/04/11/agent-mask-time-would-you-like-a-20-amazon-voucher/ (it also helps if you quickly go to the agent’s bio and/or blog for more clues) and match the agent.

The first person to correctly match all twelve agents to their masks wins! That’s it! (email timeline will be used to confirm who sent the correct entry in first)

And if there are no correct winners then those participating will go into a lucky draw and a winner will be selected at random.


The window will only be open for TWO HOURS – that’s it, so timing is everything.

The Window will open on Wednesday May 13th at 10.30pm Australian EST. That’s 7.30am New York US time and 12.30pm UK time. I chose these times to ensure everyone, no matter where you live, can play along.

You don’t need to have participating in #Nestpitch2015 or to even follow this blog, all you need to do is get to know our agents – and I have no doubt you ‘all know these agents anyway.

Please make sure you send your selection ONLY during the open window because there are no second chances, I will not be sending any ‘too soon’ or ‘too late’ emails – it’s up to you to play along during the window only.

How to submit:tumblr_mkygth1zdO1qmvy8zo1_500

  1. Agents Name = Mask
  2. Agents Name = Mask (and so on)

Please send your picks to nestpitch@outlook.com

In the subject line you MUST put UNMASK THE AGENT MY PICKS

If you fail to send your selection during the window or fail to put the above in the subject line, your email will be voided.

**Please note, there will be NO auto reply.

Please pass this on, re-blog if you’d like and tweet / re-tweet to pass the word along.

And now for the agents & masks (note they have all been alpha sorted & the below in no way suggests the correct match)

Camilla Wray Bend it like Beckham Bunny
Cate Hart Disco Bunny
Christa Heschke Energizer Bunny
Dawn Michelle Frederick Hippy Chic Bunny
Jessica Schmeidler Ms. Soccer Bunny
Jordy Albert Pancake Bunny
Maria Vicente Professor Bunny
Mollie Glick Rock Star Bunny
Patricia Nelson Ski Bunny
Saba Sulaiman Snow Bunny
Uwe Stender Warrior Bunny
Valerie Noble Wonder Woman Bunny

The winner will be announced on Tuesday May 19th 2015.

Agent Mask Time! (Would you like a $20 Amazon Voucher?)

school-pics-9-3Hi all,

Those who were part of Nestpitch2014 or have been following this blog will know how this works, however, for the newbies, I’ll quickly go over this. Each year the participating agents of Nestptich take on a ‘mask’ – in other words, they are in disguise! When they leave their Easter Treats for the submissions, they do so as a Secret Agent Bunny – yep that’s right, you may know who the participating agents are but you’ll have no clue as to who has requested what – well some clues.

Below are the Agents Bunny Masks, along with clues, some cryptic some not so much. And that is where the fun begins. While you will not know for certain until AFTER Agent Requests (May 11th) are made, you can join in the fun of Unmask the Agents; and if you get it right, there could be a $20.00 Amazon Voucher in it for you (USD). Best of all anyone can play! Yes that’s right; you don’t need to have submitted to Nestpitch2015 in order to be in the ImageProxyABCrunning for the Voucher.

So how does it work I hear someone shouting – simple! Got through the masks and then go through the Agent List (you’ll find the participating agents in a previous blog post so that’s not too hard) and match them up.

And you get lots and lots of time!

There will be an announcement after May 11th stating when the Unmask the Agent window will open- make a note of it as the window will only be open for 12 hours. The first correct match to ALL twelve agents will win the $20.00 Voucher – it’s that simple; and that hard! (if there are no correct matches a random winner will be selected from those who have sent in their matches in the time-window). To help you make your choices I suggest you follow all the agents, read their Blogs & Websites, interact with them on Twitter and keep your eyes and ears open for clues that will help you make the match.

So here we go, in no particular order and designed to make you think – stock-vector-vector-illustration-funny-rabbit-skiing-cartoon-concept-161804234


A Ski bunny who knows Persian Literature & is no closet Bollywood fan, this Secret Agent Bunny likes to see
experience new cultures and is a major fan of the ever expanding New adult category.


When not lost in a book, studying another language or walking playing with some four legged friends of the ‘here’s my lead’ kind, you’ll find this Secret Agent Bunny engrossed in something on T.V, there could be a Watson or a Doctor involved.



As a child this Secret Agent Bunny was into Star Wars and the A-Team, as well as creating and telling stories to school friends. Later, as an adult, the bunny read the first three Twilight novels in one week! Clearly this bunny was destined to be a super hero.

Bend it like Beckham BunnyBEND IT LIKE BECKHAM BUNNY

Regularly seen with a four legged friend, you’ll often spy this Secret Agent Bunny at a Writer’s Conference or indulging in some cultural travel experiences between conferences.



When this Secret Agent Bunny isn’t dancing in his/her bedroom to a certain boy-band, they are likely to be found in bed, editing and sipping a vanilla latte (especially on a Sunday).


Hippy Chic Bunny 2HIPPY CHIC BUNNY 

This Secret Agent Bunny loves YA/ Upper YA fantasy and Sci-Fi and tends to go for the quirky or strange. He/ She is also an activist for left-handed people in a right handed world.



energizer bunny

Hops from plot to plot, getting a charge out witty mysteries and punny contemporaries. Attracted to serious thinkers who choose light over darkness. Accepts all readerships, but genres must stay within the scope of reality.


Ms Soccer Bunny 2MS. SOCCER BUNNY

The Secret Agent Bunny loves PB’s MG & romance in YA, also a YA revenge thriller would fit just fine at the moment. This bunny is also known to use exclamation points – a lot !!

rocker bunny



This Secret Agent Bunny prefers spunky MG & not-so-sappy YA, while surrounded by fur & feathers. Dark chocolate is preferred, milk chocolate is for those can’t take risks. When not deep in a book, this Secret Bunny Agent is more than likely on the hunt for a good donut or a craft beer, possibly on a pair of skates 😉


So how does this Snow Bunny  keep that figure you might ask? Evidently the secret is loving what you do for a living and also being a bit of a yoga enthusiast. Whatever this Secret Agent Bunny is doing, it must be working!




Prior to publishing this Secret Agent Bunny instructed literature and writing at university-level. You’ll often find this Bunny on Twitter sharing tips and dropping wish-list hints, and in-real-life you’re likely to see this bunny at the odd Writers Conference.



This Secret Agent Bunny can be found making deals across the Pacific and Atlantic, at various writing conferences or enjoying a well earned latte at some little corner café. When not reading, editing or jetting about to another conference, you’ll likely find this bunny congratulating an author on Twitter or engrossed in a suspense thriller. Hint, this bunny looks good in a hat 😉


baby bunyipSo, that’s it folks! OK not quite. We also have at least one BUNYIP – Scratching your head as to what a Bunyip is? Well, in Indigenous Australian culture it is believed a Bunyip is a secretive creature, often found lurking around creeks and billabongs. In #Nestpitch culture… Bunyips are Secret Agents who couldn’t make it this time but might just take a peak at what’s happening and if they like something; they’ll leave their own ‘special’ treat – and seriously Bunyips really are damned hard to spot so who knows how many more are lurking; right?

So, now its time to have some fun. Go look over the list of agents and then compare them to the list of masks. When the times comes (not now!), right after the Agent Submission Window closes, we’ll be posting another update with the Unmask The Agent Round– as I say anyone can play & with a $20 Amazon Gift Voucher up for grabs why wouldn’t you!

It’s time for a bit of fun – wouldn’t you say?


Nestpitch 2015 Teams – Simply Smawesome!

91aab551Hello all,

I guess it would be no big revelation if I said I make stuff up, given my chosen profession. The thing is I also make words up, usually by accident. That’s what happened yesterday morning. I was working on the Nestpitch Team bio’s and as I got further along, it hit me at how amazing this years Mentors & Slushies are.

I also talk to myself. Well that and the cats, which is kind of the same thing. So there I was, working on the Team bio’s talking to myself when my brain, which often works way faster than my mouth (& that’s saying something!), was thinking “these teams are Super, Magical, Awesome– and what came out of my mouth (literally) was smawesome – & that’s what these Team’s are – SMAWESOME! So I’m coining the word as my own & who knows? It might just catch on 🙂thebestdayyet

Below are the Teams and when you read them you’ll agree, they are smawesome, but before you look through the Teams, I wanted to run through the selection process. Now, don’t freak out too much as a full list of dates, rules and conditions will be posted on the 23rd / 24th of March. For now just mark March 23rd /24th and April 1st (submission date).

The submission consists of:

(i)                 35-word pitch

(ii)               Answer to this question: If your MC was an Easter Egg, what flavour would s/he be? (no more than 15 words please)

(iii)             1st 300-words of your manuscript*

*1st 300 = if you have a prologue, then your 1st 300 starts from your prologue. If you don’t think your prologue is strong enough then perhaps you need to rethink your prologue.

Finish at the end of a sentence. This is 300-word MAX, so your last word is 300-words. If your sentence finishes on 292-words, submit that. If your sentences run into 30 or more words, then rethink the length of your sentence(s). Broken sentences do no one favours.

This year we will not be accepting PB’s – I have something special planned for PB’s (and perhaps MG’s) for December 2015 assuming I can get all my ducks in a row 😉

defeatistTwo things to add/note:

(1)               A condition of entry is any MS #pitch submitted to previous #pitches, which resulted in being selected, in the twelve months prior to April 2015, is ineligible.   The only sub-clause to this is #PitchSlam. Please let us know if  you have the same MS in #PitchSlam & #Nestpitch, and again if you’ve been selected. I have spoken to the Host of PitchSlam & we’ve agreed to work closely on this one.

(2)               This year there will be less final selection featured pitches. (Expecting final the number to be around 40). With each Team concentrating on fewer submissions, we can be more hands-on with feedback and mentoring. By doing this, not only will the pitch + 300-words be stronger, but so will the entire MS. This year there will be rounds.

Harry potter styl image 1a.      Round #1: Last year I gave everyone the benefit of the doubt when errors were made in following guidelines. That will not be the case this year, aside from formatting issues (which happen). To get past #1 author’s must be able to follow guidelines.

b.      Round #2: This year each Team will select and initial 5-8 submissions and then request more pages/material. Based on the additional pages/material, each Team will drill their selection down to between 4-5 to go to the next round.

March-06-2012-17-18-53-tumblrltqwvxV4261qlcw7co1500c.      Round #3: On having picked their final 4-5, each Team will then critique the first 2,500-words and ‘get to know’ the author(s). This is a 3-fold process. Being selected does not necessarily mean being featured. Teams will want to know the author(s) are willing to accept feedback etc.  The Teams will work with their author’s for 3 weeks, offering feedback, sharpening pitches, & suggesting improvements. After this, the author’s have a full week to re-read their MS in full & make any final changes; before the agent round.

 From the Slush-pile Picks.

My Team, #Team2Beat, will be hunting through the slush-pile and the reserves, looking for gems that have been missed. We will have the option of selecting between 1-5 pitches (at our discretion) to feature. This is basically a bonus-pick so, you may just get an email after the date, but if you do, expect to work twice as hard as the other author’s as you’ll have less time – so be ready!

All of the above, together with dates and other conditions will be posted on March 23rd / 24th in an information post  – so keep a look out for that post.

And now, (in no particular order), bathe in the smawesmeness of our Teams! 

SCSC_Author – Mentor 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SC_Author  & blog: http://www.scwrite.blogspot.com.au/

Co-host of “Query Kombat” and “Nightmare on Query Street” and the host of “The Writer’s Tank” and “Become an Agent,” SC founded the#WriteInclusively pact in efforts to promote creative writing that has diversity as a focus. SC also wrote: “There’s a story behind my icon pic, a story that used to be funny a few years ago. I’m on the quest to find a new icon, though. Stay tuned!  Slushies: 

Laura HeffernanLaura Heffernan – Slushie – Laura is a California-born women’s fiction writer, represented by Michelle Richter at Fuse Literary.. One Saturday morning when she was four or five, Laura sat down at the family’s Commodore 64 and typed out her first short story. She’s written both fiction and non-fiction ever since.

In her spare time, Laura likes travel baking, board games, and new experiences. She lives in the northeast, freezing like the true California girl she is, with her amazing husband and two furry little beasts. Her fuzzy sock collection is becoming impressive. You’ll find Laura on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/LH_Writes 

Heather MurphyHeather Murphy Capps – Slushie – Heather is an MG/YA author of adventures and thrillers with light sci-fi, magical, or ghostly twists. When not writing, she’s wrangling her most important beta readers — her children. She also teaches and design courses (for adults) in writing and public speaking. Heather often features as a guest blogger on several popular blogs and recently wrote a guest blog on SC’s blog about her experiences as a writer & person of mixed cultural background.

You’ll find Heather on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/HeatherMC66 

LouiseLouise GornallMentor

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rock_andor_roll  Blog: http://bookishblurb.com

YA author of urban fantasy and horror stories, Louise like her art on the dark-side. She describes herself as “Identical twin, junk food aficionado, book bird,film nerd, Jedi” & is represented by Mandy Hubbard at D4EO. Also, she’s from the UK so you know her voice will be as hot as her photo!

Lou’s Slushies:             

Sarah CarlsonSarah Carlson – Slushie Sarah loves writing (and reading) Young Adult Contemporary fiction that touches on social issues. She recently relocated from Singapore back to Wisconsin with her husband and two dogs to return to working in schools. Sarah is represented by fabulous Claire Anderson-Wheeler of Regal Literary Management. You’ll find Sarah on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/sarahjoydrop 

Kate FosterKate Foster – Slushie -Kate is a freelance editor and proofreader, writer of middle grade fiction and reader of all things dark and disturbing. Her first novel, Winell Road, is set for release later this year with Jet Black Publishing. Originally from the UK, she now lives on the gold Coast in Australia with her husband, three sons and pet spoodle.  (we’ll claim her as an Aussie!)

You’ll find Kate on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/winellroad

Sharon Bayliss picSharon Bayliss – Mentor

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SharonBayliss & Blog http://www.sharonbayliss.com/

Author extraordinaire with Curiosity Quills, (yes I’m a super-fan of her December People Series), Sharon lives in Texas with her hubby & gorgeous children where, between chasing after her boys, she  tweets, writes & helps other authors too.

Sharon B’s Slushies: 

Katy Katy Upperman – Slushie Writer of YA & represented by Victoria Marini of Gelfman Schneider Literary Agency, Katy describes herself as a wife, mama,avid reader and country music fanatic who likes baking, cheap beer, long runs, Jelly Bellies, sunshine, social media, and yoga. You’ll find Katy on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/KatyUpperman 

Jessika FleckJessika Fleck – Slushie – represented by Jamie Bodnar Drowley at Inklings Literary, Jessika is a lover of art and booksbut it wasn’t until she put the two together that Jessika discovered the magic of storytelling. Jessika lives in quaint, small town Vermont with her sweet family, growing collection of vintage typewriters, and bevy of characters who often keep her up at night. You’ll find Jessika on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/jessikafleck 

Stacey Nash picStacey Nash – Mentor

Twitter: https://twitter.com/staceynash Blog: http://www.stacey-nash.com/

Author of YA & NA (HarperCollins), and fellow Aussie, Stacey is also part of the blogging team at AussieOwnedAndRead. When not writing, Tweeting or Facebook- ing, she can be found spending time with her family.

Stacey’s Slushies: 

Kathy PalmKathy Palm – Slushie – Magic-wielding, TARDIS-traveling, stay-at-home mom, and YA fantasy/horror writer Kathy recently signed with REUTS Publications, her debut DOORS to be released in winter of 2016. She loves chocolate and all the weird, creepy, and fantastical words. You’ll find Kathy on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/KathleenPalm 

LivLiv Rancourt – Slushie – Liv writes romance: m/f, m/m, and v/h, where the h is for human and the v is for vampire…or sometimes demon. She writes funny, not angst. When not writing Liv takes care of tiny premature babies or teenagers, depending on whether I’m at home or at work. She describes her husband is a soul of patience and her dog as the cutest thing evah(!) You’ll find Liv on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/LivRancourt 

sharon jSharon Johnston – Mentor

Twitter: https://twitter.com/S_M_Johnston & Blog: http://downunderwonderings.blogspot.com.au/

Another fellow Aussie, and talented writer, like Stacey, Sharon is also part of the AussieOwnedAndRead blogging team. She is also involved with several other #PitchComps, hence why wenicknamed her #ThePitchWhisperer

Sharon J’s Slushies: 

E.L WickerE.L Wicker – Slushie  – E.L is, in her own words “mildly (massively) obsessed with new Adult” (another reason I like her!). If she’s not reading it, she’s writing it. Among her favourite pastimes is hunting out new books by sparkly new authors. Author of the Bearwood series and blog assistant to Sharon Johnston (& now Slushie too), Emma is a lover of the contraction, a hater of the ‘off of’ & like the rest of us, a writer doing her thing. You’ll find E.L on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/ELWicker  

JC NelsonJC Nelson – Slushie –  J.C is a born Texan living in the Pacific Northwest. Software developer by day and by night, an author and herder of Children and chickens. J.C.  writes Urban Fantasy blended with fairy tales, such as the Grimm Agency series. You can find J.C. on twitter here: https://twitter.com/AuthorJCNelson

Amanda Foody pic Amanda Foody – Mentor

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaFoody & Blog: http://www.amandafoody.blogspot.com.au/

Repped by Molly Jaffa at Folio Literary. When not writing YA, or reading a book, you’ll likely find Amanda sprinting across her campus to another accounting class – yes there are author’s who are also accountants!

Amanda’s Slushies: 

photoNiki Cluff – Slushie – Niki was one of our success stories from last year and has joined us this year as one of Amanda’s Slushies. Niki is represented by Cate Hart at Corvisiero Literary Agency.

You’ll find Niki on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/nikimcluff

JenaJena DuBois – Slushie – Jena is a English Major (in other words, grammar, syntax and spell WILL COUNT) as well as an aspiring author. As a BETA to her fabulous Mentor for the past two years, Jena knows how to edit and how to spot those plot holes 😉 You’ll find Jena here: https://twitter.com/SlushieJena  

brooke PBrooke PowellMentor

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheCakeNovelist Blog: http://www.thecakenovelist.blogspot.com.au/

Also signed with Folio Literary, Brooke like her subjects and her characters to stretch the readers perception of normal, she calls it “contemporary fiction that tends to twist and turn toward the more taboo side of things” When not writing, editing or social media-ing, Brooke can be found making cakes looks like works of art.

Brooke’s Slushies:

Heather BHeather Bryant – Slushie – Another Aussie, Heather lives in a little city in Australia with far too many voices in her head. When not reading, writing or sharing tweets online, Heather is another contributor on the AussieOwnedAndRead blog. If you have a purple unicorn, let Heather know! You’ll find Heather on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/heather_b88  

Kristy Shen PicKristy Shen – Slushie – Computer Engineer by day and one half of a writing duo by night. In her spare time, she likes traveling to exotic places, eating strange foods, and scaring the locals with her unintelligible hyper-babble and insane ramblings. Her debut MG novel LITTLE MISS EVIL has just been released through Spencer Hill Press. Kristy is represented by Jamie Bodnar Drowley at Inklings Literary. You’ll find Kristy on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/KristyShen

LaurenLauren McKellar – Mentor 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LaurenKMcKellar & Blog: http://laurenkmckellar.com/

uthor, editor, AussieOwnedAndRead blog contributor and yes, another Aussie, Lauren’s debut novel, Finding Home, was released through Escape Publishing Harlequin Australia, on October 1, 2013. You can find out more about her Contemporary Crazy in Love series via her blog.

Lauren’s Slushies: 

Tracy JoyceTracy Joyce – Slushie – Tracy is an Australian Author of speculative fiction  who grew up in rural Victoria.  Her debut novel, Altaica: Book I in The Chronicles of Altaica, has been published by Odyssey Books. Tracy has long been a fan of the Fantasy genre, but particularly likes novels that deal with deep characterisations and that don’t flinch from the gritty realities of life. You’ll find Tracy on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/TracyMJoyce

Karen McCoyKaren McCoy – Slushie –   As a writer who also works as a librarian; Karen must have the second most wanted profession for writers, the first being one-after-the-other best sellers! Author if MG & YA, Karen also an MFA student. When not reading, or writing or studying, you’ll likely find Karen on her blog or blogging on the Operation Awesome blog. You’ll find Karen on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/WriterLibrarian


Nikola Vukoja – Mentor Twitter: https://twitter.com/Nik_Vukoja Blog: http://nikvukoja.wordpress.com/

Host & creator of #Nestpitch & co-host of Post-it-Forward, Nik’s tastes tend toward NA & Adult in both reading and writing, Nik likes her stuff to either be on the dark side or historical or have a social message, ideally all three! When not writing, you’ll find Nik working on her visual art, cooking, gardening & following orders from her Feline Overlords.

Nikola’s Slushie: 

JadahJadah McCoy – Slushie – Jadah lives in Nashville, TN and works as a legal coordinator. When not babysitting attorneys she can be found desperately juicing her brain for creative ideas or fantasizing about her next trip out of the country (or about Tom Hiddleston as Loki – it’s always a toss up when she’s fantasizing). Her debut NA sci-fi is forthcoming from Curiosity Quills Press. You’ll find Jadah on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/theQueryFaerie  


And now – let the Easter Festivities begin! 

Five Minutes with…Vicki Leigh – Author of Catch Me When I Fall & Editor at Curiosity Quills

Today I have the very great pleasure to have Vicki Leigh – Author of Catch Me When I Fall & Editor at Curiosity Quills, join me in another Five Minutes with…  So let’s get to know Vicki better About The … Continue reading

Cover Reveal-Rite of Rejection by Sarah Negovetich

Hi All, For those of you who regularly follow either myself or Literary Agent Sarah Negovetich, you’ll know that Sarah has embarked on her own Self Publishing Journey. If you want to know more on why Sarah took this path, … Continue reading

#Nestpitch 2014 – Success Story No.2

thebestdayyetHello all,

Well, as most of you know, we’ve already announced one #nestpitch success story. And I’m sure many of you have seen the tweets about the second one also.  And if you missed it, let me introduce you to Niki Cluffphoto

Niki entered Nestpitch 2014 with her YA Magical Realism pitch… and we all loved it. In fact, Niki was one of very few who used the 2 pitches entry rule; and we loved both pitches! This told us a lot. After some tossing and grabby-hands, the wonderful Amanda Foody got to be Niki’s Mentor and from that, Niki got three agents requesting pages.

To refresh your memories, here is the Entry (without the first 300-words)


Genre: YA Magical Realism

Word Count: 60,000

 Pitch: In a weaponless world, avatars are used for battle. 16 y/o Evie can’t wait for her avatar, but when it’s a human instead of a beast, she’ll discover the peaceful government has a secret.

Answer to qu:  My main character would be a jelly bean, you don’t know what flavor you’ll get.

Is that not a great pitch? It’s got voice and imagery and what’s at stake and what makes it unique… all in 35-words. That folks; is how you do it. And then, the answer to the question, “you don’t know what flavor you’ll get” – the mind boggles, and if you’re like me and don’t like liquorice, let’s hope it’s not the black one.

Without giving too much away, as Niki will fill us in below, the wonderful Cart Hart of Corvisiero Literary Agency found a match in Niki… and thankfully Niki agreed. To learn more about Cate Hart, here’s a link to her interview:  https://nestpitch.wordpress.com/2014/03/18/five-minutes-with-agent-cate-hart-corvisiero-literary-agency/ 🙂


Getting to know Niki Cluff

Niki, aside from being an author, tell us a little about yourself, where you grew up, what you do that pays the bills, when and where you write, anything at all you’d care to share.

I grew up in Prescott, Arizona moving to Chino Valley, AZ before my freshman year of high school. Now I live in a mere 30 minutes away from both Prescott and Chino.I’m a stay at home mom of 3 kids (four if you count the Husband) and a dane mastiff. When I’m not being a mom I deliver news papers on an early morning route and I also intern for Margaret Bail reading through her slush pile. I write whenever I have the chance, whether it be in the afternoon while the kids are swimming in the pool, or late at night after the kids and Husband are asleep. I’m the queen of copy-cat recipes, my hair is rarely the same color (currently black with blonde beneath) and I love makeup and figuring out looks from movies and TV. (Note from Nik: that’s Niki’s dog, together with her daughter… I don’t know which one is cuter!)

 Qu1. Nik: As I said above, your pitch and first page instantly stood out, where did the idea come from?

Niki: Most of my ideas come while I’m on my paper route. I have about two hours of quiet where I can just think, something that doesn’t happen often during the day. I’m a video game addict and I love Japanese Anime. I wanted to write something that incorporated those loves. The idea of battling in a video game with holographic styled creatures really appealed to me and I wondered what a competition with these holographic creatures would be like. I’ve also wondered what the world would be like if there were no weapons. This was my solution for peaceful battles. I wanted to write something for the video gamers, like me, out there.

Qu2. Nik: Was this the first time you’d entered this manuscript into a pitch competition?

Niki: A year or so ago I stumbled across Twitter pitch parties and entered it a few times there, but this was the first time I’ve entered this manuscript in a contest.

 Qu3. Nik: Tell us about your experience with #Nestpitch and with Amanda, you’re Mentor.tumblr_m37r81Cvbu1qbojrlo1_400b

Niki: I actually came across #Nestpitch by accident. A woman I follow on twitter retweeted the competition and I had just failed making it into another earlier one. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try, so I entered two manuscripts (better odds). I’d just come home from my paper route when I checked the blog to see who the mentors picked. I assumed I didn’t make it. There was a somewhat negative tweet from one of the mentors about an entry that I was sure was mine. When I saw my name and pitch I nearly died. I quickly emailed the CP who helped my hone my pitch. Someone believed in my ms as much as I did. Amanda was amazing and extremely supportive. I can’t express enough gratitude for #Nestpitch and everyone involved.

 Qu4. Nik: You entered two manuscripts, how did you come to have two ready for pitching?

Niki: I started writing in 6th grade. My best friend and I wrote fan fictions to each other instead of taking notes in class, gradually moving to my own creations. Writing is something I always enjoyed doing, but I feared rejection. The last few years I got really serious about it. I wrote my first ms and queried it, learning the process, gathering CP’s and progressing. While I was querying agents and entering contests, I worked on something new. It gave me a chance to step back. I found myself fretting over every rejection and wondering what I was doing wrong. I needed a break. Writing something new gave me fresh eyes when I came back to the first and vice-versa. Through that process I was able to write two ms and edit them. Great CP’s helped me strengthen my pitches. It helps to have supportive people around.

Qu5. Nik: With regard to Cate Hart, how did the request go from partial to full? Did you do any research beforehand or did you already know of her?

Niki: I didn’t know who Cate was until I read the Five Minutes With interview on the #Nestpitch blog. I researched every agent participating in the contest. There were a few I already knew about since I was querying outside of contests, but Cate was new. Luckily she has a wonderful blog with great insight. As for the request, I received an offer from another agent. Out of courtesy I notified Cate. She replied asking for the full and a week. I willingly obliged. After reading her blog, I knew she was someone I wanted to work with. I secretly hoped that she would offer me representation, my fingers crossed the entire time.

 Qu6. Nik: Now I know that while you were waiting to hear back from Cate, you also had interest from other agents. What was ImageProxy.gif 20junthe waiting like? What did you do while you waited?

Niki: The waiting was excruciating! At first I wasn’t sure what to do. I’d gone from constant rejections to a couple of offers in a matter of hours. I actually had to research proper etiquette in notifying agents with partials and fulls, what sort of questions to ask, all the important things I hadn’t considered. Once I knew what to do, I emailed Cate to let her know. Like I said before she emailed back requesting the full and a week. I would like to say that I patiently waited that week, but I didn’t. I checked my email every few minutes. I talked my husband to death with possible scenarios and squealed with giddy delight at the thought that I may actually get the agent I wanted to work with, Cate. Of course, my husband brought me back down to earth and I managed to refocus my energy on helping my CP’s, working on some new ideas and continuing to email other agents, just in case. Five days later she emailed me back wanting to set up a time to call. It was another email I received at 6 AM after doing my paper route. I actually jumped and did a fist pump in the air, carefully landing so I wouldn’t wake the rest of my family up. I won’t deny it.

ScaredQu7. Nik: OK, the one we have all been DYING to ask, tell us about THAT CALL, the one from Cate, and please don’t leave anything out.

Niki: Honestly, I couldn’t sit still once we set up a time. I went to my dad’s birthday party the day before and I squirmed in my chair the whole time. From the email to the day she called I had a couple days to sort through all the questions running through my mind and research anything and everything I would need to ask an offering agent. I wrote them down, knowing I was capable of forgetting everything once excitement got the better of me. I’m pretty awkward on the phone. When the call came I ran into my bedroom and locked the door so the kids wouldn’t interrupt. Cate was wonderful. She was kind as she introduced herself and informed me that she wanted to offer representation. I struggled to keep from giddily laughing (which probably would have come out more like the bray of a donkey in my excitement) and thanked her for the interest. We talked about the story, how unique it was and the way she wanted to present it. I asked her about edits and she gave me a good idea of things to work on and how to improve and let me know that she would send a more detailed email about the edits later. I asked her my questions, such as: was she more into traditional publishing, or digital and indie, if she was a hands on agent or not, was she Selena_gomez_falling_confettiinterested in representing me for my career or just the book, etc., things I couldn’t learn from her profile on Corvisiero’s website or through her blog. She patiently answered each and every one of my many questions without complaint. She walked me through the contract, explaining each and every section so I knew exactly what I was signing. I wanted to immediately say yes, but I also wanted to make sure there wasn’t anything else I needed answered, so I asked her for a couple days to consider and sort through any more questions I may possibly have. Cate was gracious enough to give me the time, not that it mattered. My gut told me Cate was the right agent, but it was really nice to make sure I knew everything I wanted to know before I signed.

NOTE FROM NIK: It’s so clear that Niki and Cate were looking to create the start of a long-term relationship. Look at the topics covered… and then take note for when your turn comes!

 hello kitty catQu8.  Nik: After having gone through the query process and the #pitching competition process would you recommend your aspiring author friends do pitch competitions? And what advice would you give them?

Niki: I would definitely recommend them, but not just for finding an agent. They’re a great place to learn. Each competition I’ve entered had mentors who gave their time freely to posting trends, statistics and other things they noticed while reading through the mountains of entries. They offer such great and valuable advice that you really can’t get elsewhere. Agents don’t always have the time to give that sort of insight. It’s also where I met my CP’s. They were in the trenches just like me. They understood what I was going through. It was nice to have someone waiting on the sidelines with me, but competitions aren’t for everyone. They do require some research before hand. I always read everything the host posts about the competition and research the agents involved. There is no point in entering a competition if every agent has already rejected you, or if there isn’t an agent representing what you write. Sometimes it’s hard to put your work out there, even behind a computer. That’s totally cool. For me, they were a great opportunity to grow and connect. Not to mention I got seen by multiple agents who actually liked my writing.

NOTE FROM NIK: Niki makes some excellent points here. #Pitch comps are about connecting as much as they are about *winning* – also, doing your homework and researching the agents, what genres they represent, etc. is crucial, as is being aware of who you have already submitted to. There is no value in entering a competition if all the agents have seen that MS; enter another comp or submit another MS.

Qu9. Nik: What do you say to people who dismiss the Slush Pile and/or #pitching competitions in general?agent cat rejection

Niki: I read slush. That’s what I do for Margaret Bail when I have time. I can honestly say that the slush pile does work. It takes time. There are thousands of people out there who want the same thing, who have a story of their own to share. It may take a while for an agent to find yours out of the many that don’t follow the guidelines or the mss that aren’t right for them, but they get there. Sometimes its about the right story with the right agent at the right time in the market and that can take a while to figure out. It’s easy to get impatient. #Pitching competitions are the same way. It’s all a matter of preference, as much as I hate to be cliché. So many people say that, but it’s true. Agents are readers just like us, it’s how they get into the business in the first place. They have genres they like and ones they don’t. Not every story that comes across their desk is going to be one they love. We don’t love everything we read either. These competitions are a great way to get your name out there, to have multiple agents see your pitch or first page. It’s exposure you can’t get otherwise. People get signed one of three ways: they meet an agent at a conference, they query or they pitch and everyone already signed worked hard to get where they are. Sometimes pitching is the only way to get your name, and writing, out. I didn’t have the opportunity to go to conferences since I do a paper route 7 days a week and people don’t like to sub routes. I also live in a slightly rural area and don’t have access to many conferences. #Pitch competitions gave me the chance I needed. I couldn’t be more grateful to the people who take the time to put the competitions together and volunteer to mentor. They really do make all the difference.

NOTE FROM NIK: As someone who lives in Australia,I can certainly understand not being able to attend conferences. Our other success story (thus far) lives in Japan… the beauty of online and email pitch comps it you can be anywhere in the world and still be a part of them.

 ImageProxyQu10. Nik: So what’s next, I mean after you’ve got over the giddiness and the copious congrats and thank-you’s, what happens now?

Niki: Editing. I get to go into my writing cave (which may or may not look like the Batcave) with all of Cate’s wonderful and insightful suggestions and edit my work as many times as it takes until it shines and we are both happy with the results. She gave me so many ideas that will strengthen my writing and the overall story. Then I’ll let her do her thing, from what I understand, and I’ll work on cleaning up another ms of mine and a new idea I got while traipsing around the French Quarter in New Orleans on vacation. I’ve hit the halfway mark. Getting an agent is definitely half the battle, but there is still a ways to go before I hit the finish line!

 Thank you so much for taking part in this Q&A Niki, I know the entire #Nestpitch Team are so very happy for you, and promise, when you have your first book deal, you’ll come back and visit (and share the cover too) 🙂

If you want to follow Niki’s progress, you’ll find her on blog here: nikicluff.blogspot.com & you’ll find her on Twitter here: @nikimcluff And don’t forget to congratulate Niki’s awesome agent Cate on her great taste and foresight! Cate can be found on Twitter here: @CateHart and on her blog here: catehart.com

Final thoughts: Pitch competitions DO WORK – period. No, they are not for everyone and no, not every pitch that is selected to be featured will result in an offer from an agent. Not even every pitch that has a request by an agent will end in an offer of representation, but as Niki pointed out, pitching competitions offer so much to all those who enter.  You *meet other authors, people with whom you can form relationships, some of whom will become friends/BETA readers/CP partners. You extend your contact list to include successful authors and not just successful but successful generous authors who give freely of their time, people who are there for you well beyond the pitch-faze. You increase your presence on social media. You develop confidence.

These are all intangible but invaluable benefits to entering pitching competitions. Oh yes, and you might get yourself an agent too! So, as you look at upcoming events (and there are several excellent ones in the next 6-months which I will be posting updates on), and as you scroll through the Mentors and the Agents, don’t dismiss the opportunity and positive effect of #Pitch Competitions.

#Nestpitch 2014 First Success Story

pinkie pie party cannonHello all, 

Well, I’ve been holding on to this news and been bursting at the seams to share… and at last I can; #Nestpitch 2014 First Success Story and I couldn’t be happier. So (whee I’m actually squealing here), let me introduce to you Ms. Kimberly Ito. P1020267

Kimberly was one of the pitchee’s in Dannie Morin’s Team, though her pitch had more than one or two grabby-hands from the other Mentors. Kimberly’s entry was one of the 2-3 LGBT entries we got and I have to admit, when I saw we had LGBT entries, I kept my fingers crossed that at least one would be a knock out – and it was. To refresh your memories, here is the Entry (without the first 300-words)

Genre: Adult, commercial fiction (LGBT)
Word count: 88,000
Pitch: In this LGBT retelling of THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, a Japanese glam
rocker must re-examine sexuality, career, and ideas of beauty when he falls for a scarred, disabled composer with ghosts of his own.
Answer to question:
He’s a fuchsia malted milk egg: flashy outside, sweet inside, with a surprisingly strong core.

March-06-2012-17-18-53-tumblrltqwvxV4261qlcw7co1500Seriously, what’s NOT to like here? Not only did Kimberly follow all the guidelines (and people that’s a biggy) but she did exactly what a pitch should do. She told us enough to entice and created interest by showing what was unique. I mean come on, a re-tell of Phantom of the Opera, but with a Japanese Rocker and its LGBT, how could we not read on?

And we did, and so did a few of our Secret Bunny Agents. One of them, GinaPanettieri, President of Talcott Notch Literary Services, literary-agent-jessica-negronhttp://www.talcottnotch.net/ wasted no time in upgrading the partial to a full. She also passed on Kimberly’s full and profile to Jessica Negrón. When Kimberly emailed Dannie and me about the upgrade and Jessica, I remember nodding. Jessica is also Emmie Mears’ agent and I could see how Jessica’s taste and Kimberly’s style would work brilliantly together. It seems so could Jessica!

As it’s been just over two months since the requests went out, I expect to hear many more success stories after the (northern) summer, but for now, let’s woo-hoo Kimberly and Jessica and while we are at it, let’s get to know Kimberly better. (spoiler alert- some of you have surely seen the tweets about another success story – well it’s true! & we’ll have all the details in another Q&A soon)

Getting to know Kimberly Ito

Kimberly, aside from being an author, tell us a little about yourself, where you grew up, what you do that pays the bills, when and where you write, anything at all you’d care to share.

I grew up in the US, but I’ve lived in the Tokyo area for the past 12 or 13 years.  I’m primarily a stay-at-home mom, but I do some freelance work: teaching English (as a foreign language), editing, proofreading, and translating Japanese to English. I usually write at home, after my kids are asleep.  I P1020227don’t have a lot of time for hobbies, but I love cooking, butchering 8-minute-long power ballads at karaoke, and playing with my dog and kids. NOTE FROM NIK: take a look at how cute Kimberly’s dog – Holly – is!

Qu1. Nik: As I said above, your pitch and first page instantly stood out because it was so unique and yet also so universal, where did the idea come from?

Kimberly: Well, I’ve always been interested in PHANTOM – the book, the musical, quite a few of the movies – and Phantom retellings. Brian de Palma’s 1974 film, PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE, has always been a favorite, and I just really enjoy seeing those themes explored in different eras and locations. As far as the setting, well, I live in Japan and actually met my husband in this particular subculture, so you might say it was a matter of “write what you know.”

NOTE FROM NIK: That last bit “write what you know” it may seem like a cliche but there was never been more truer advice, to make your scenes and character’s authentic you need to understand who and what you are writing about.

Qu2. Nik: Was this the first time you’d entered this manuscript into a pitch competition?

Kimberly: I had done a few Twitter pitch competitions, but this was the first and only time I did anything beyond 140 characters!

Qu3. Nik: Tell us about your experience with #Nestpitch and with Dannie, you’re Mentor.

Kimberly: I almost didn’t enter! My decision was really last-minute, and it all seemed to happen so fast.  I did have a lot of fun watching the slush pile readers and then bloggers give vague hints about what they were choosing, and even more fun reading the other selected pitches.  After a lot of querying and waiting, it was nice to feel like I was being active and DOING something to get my work out there.  Dannie was great.  She helped me fine-tune my pitch before it went live and was very encouraging and supportive throughout the contest, and beyond.

Qu4. Nik: I remember getting that first update when Gina requested the 25-page partial to a full and how happy I was for you. Tell us how it felt and (aside from doing a little happy dance) did you do anything before sending, like re-reading the manuscript?ImageProxy

Kimberly: Well, it was actually Jessica who requested the full, and I was thrilled and a little shocked (see answer #5), because she was someone I’d wanted to work with for awhile. As far as special preparation, I don’t think so.  I’d been kind of fine-tuning for a couple of months, so I was pretty confident that it was ready to go.  I emailed my CP to give her the good news, and then I attached the file and hit send!

NOTE FROM NIK: Again wonderful advice here folks. Don’t rush it, *if in doubt, leave it out* that goes for scenes and entering/submitting work.

Qu5. Nik: With regard to Jessica Negron, what was it like sending that first email to Jessica? Did you do any research beforehand or did you already know of her?

Kimberly: I had actually queried Jessica before!  It was a rejection, but she gave me some great feedback which I used to completely overhaul my book, deleting large chunks and rewriting others.  I remember feeling extremely disappointed at the time, because I really wanted an editorial agent, and felt like we would have clicked!  Fortunately, she remembered me and saw that I had taken her advice, and it ended up being a match after all!

Qu6. Nik: Now I know that while you were waiting to hear back from Jessica, you also had interest from other agents. What was the waiting like? What did you do while you waited?

Kimberly: Well, I did keep querying other agents, and I also started a second book, which is nowhere near complete enough to talk about… but I kept querying, and I kept writing, and stuck to my writer friends for support!

NOTE FROM NIK: And here is another example of Kimberly being proactive. Even though she had requests from Nestpitch, she understood a request is not an offer, as I’ve said several times “It’s a long way from bended knee to altar.” Do not do yourself a disservice and put all your hopes in one basket, if an offer does come through, you can (and always should) approach the agents with partials or fulls at that point. 

ImageProxyABCQu7. Nik: OK, the one we have all been DYING to ask, tell us about THAT CALL, the one from Jessica, and please don’t leave anything out.

Kimberly: I think it was pretty typical, even if typical meant “terrifying” for me! Most of my writing friends I met online, so it had probably been a couple of years since I had actually talked about my writing, or even spoken my characters’ names aloud! But Jessica is SO nice, and that definitely calmed my nerves a little bit. The first thing I did was to give her a slightly more detailed version of the “how I came up with the idea” answer above. Then she told me what she liked about my novel, we discussed revisions, and then I had a chance to ask her some questions. I had a couple of days between when we scheduled the call and when it actually happened, so I had done my research, figured out what questions I needed to ask about her agenting style, and which questions could be answered just by reading her profile or existing interviews.  I was getting a little bit teary eyed at one point, when she said she loved one of my characters particularly (and we were on Skype, doing a video chat, so I was really fighting not to let it show!).  But other than that… Google “What to do when you get the call,” and that was pretty much what happened!

Qu8.  Nik: After having gone through the query process and the #pitching competition process would you recommend your aspiring author friends do pitch competitions? And what advice would you give them?Selena_gomez_falling_confetti

Kimberly: I would, if they feel comfortable with it. One of the main reasons I almost *didn’t* do NestPitch was because I’m just usually very private with my writing. It definitely made me feel exposed to have even a small excerpt out there!  So I do understand why some people don’t want to.  However, it’s also a really great way to meet other writers, to get your pitch in front of a variety of agents in one shot, and to get some helpful feedback from mentors.  The best advice I can think of (besides polishing your pitch to perfection, anyway) is to choose your pitch contests carefully.  I entered NestPitch because the majority of the agents involved hadn’t seen my query yet, and because a few of them seemed like they were interested in similar projects.  Don’t enter every contest you see, even if they’re legit!  Be sure that at least a handful of participating agents rep your genre and
category, and haven’t already seen your query.

Qu9. Nik: What do you say to people who dismiss the Slush Pile and/or #pitching competitions in general?

Kimberly: Wow, are there still people who dismiss the slush pile?  I’d say that every agented writer I personally know connected with their agent one of three ways: the slush pile, a pitch contest, or a conference.  I know that some writers get their foot in the door by knowing someone who knows samuel-l-jackson-catsomeone… but I think that’s actually a pretty small percentage.  Especially if you’re not able to make it to conferences because of location, like me, or for any reason, pitching and querying are the best ways to make it happen!

Qu10. Nik: So what’s next, I mean after you’ve got over the giddiness and the copious congrats and thank-you’s, what happens now?

Kimberly: Well, edits, first! Jessica has some great ideas to strengthen my novel and I’m going work through those first… and then maybe again, and again, until we’re both completely happy with it. And then I suppose I get to go back to book #2 while she works her submission magic? Signing with an agent is definitely a big milestone, and it feels a little like reaching a goal… but our work definitely isn’t over!

Thank you so much for taking part in this Q&A Kimberly, I know the entire #Nestpitch Team are so very happy for you, and promise, when you have your first book deal, you’ll come back and visit (and share the cover too) 😉96781-Anna-excited-gif-Imgur-Frozen-j9Hv

If you want to follow Kimberly’s progress, you’ll find her on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/KimberlyIto and her blog. Kimberly actually wrote a great blog post on April 17th just before she submitted to #Nestpitch as to why she entered with us. The blog post is called: In which I enter #Nestpitch – and its a really interesting read. Some of her answers above are covered in this post, but if you’re an aspiring writer, reading this from her prospective prior to getting an offer is extremely interesting; especially her point about judging if the agents represented are ideal for your manuscript. Kimberly looked at it from the “have I submitted to most of these agents before” prospective – a very important point. Other factors should be “are there agents in this competition that cater to my category & genre” and (also mentioned by Kimberly) “is my manuscript truly ready” – perhaps the most important point.

And don’t forget to congratulate Kimberly’s awesome agent Jessica on her great taste and foresight – you’ll find Jessica on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/JesNx and Jessica also has a great section on her blog on how to submit to her called “How to Submit to me” that you’ll find here: http://www.jessicanegron.com/2013/07/how-to-query-me.html

berry-break-018Final thoughts: Pitch competitions DO WORK – period. No, they are not for everyone and no, not every pitch that is selected to be featured will result in an offer from an agent. Not even every pitch that has a request by an agent will end in an offer of representation, but as Kimberly pointed out, pitching competitions offer so much to all those who enter.  You *meet other authors, people with whom you can form relationships, some of whom will become friends/BETA readers/CP partners. You extend your contact list to include successful authors and not just successful but successful generous authors who give freely of their time, people who are there for you well beyond the pitch-faze. You increase your presence on social media. You develop confidence.

These are all intangible but invaluable benefits to entering pitching competitions. Oh yes, and you might get yourself an agent too! So, as you look at upcoming events (and there are several excellent ones in the next 6-months which I will be posting updates on), and as you scroll through the Mentors and the Agents, don’t dismiss the opportunity and positive effect of #Pitch Competitions.



Full Manuscript Evaluation by Erin Niumata, Folio Literary Management (+ 1-Hour Phone Consult!)

Aside from the annual #pitch comp I run here, this blog serves as a sounding board and as an avenue for information and opportunity to improve and discover more.

erin-240x300To that end, I am super pleased to let everyone know about a wonderful offer Erin Niumata from Folio Literary Management is offering: Full Manuscript Evaluation (+ 1-Hour Phone Consult!) with Erin. This is such an amazing opportunity for feedback from an agent who is a leader in her field and who also happens to be a lovely person.

To find out more go to: http://brendanovak.auctionanything.com/Bidding.taf?_function=detail&Auction_uid1=3276005

for details and full guidelines – oh and two things, there’s only four (4) days left to take advantage of this offer and I checked with Erin, if you’re not in the US and your’s is the manuscript that wins, she’ll still arrange the phone consultation – so that’s a massive WooHoo!

So go on over, take a look at the guidelines and conditions and take advantage of this rare opportunity.

You can find Erin on Twitter here: 

And you can find out more about Erin and Folio Literary Management here: http://www.foliolit.com/